Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Reading List

Good evening to any of those who are reading this blog! My name is Ashley, and i'm 18 years-old. I have a passion for reading, and I have loved it for many years now. This year was my senior year, and thus my final year of high school. I graduated a few days ago, but alas, I am left with not much to do this summer. So I decided it would be fun to start a blog. This blog will consist of random things, however; currently I plan to have this blog's main focus be books. I decided I'm going to have a little fun, and attempt to read 50 books over this summer. (Perhaps even more if I feel like it!) So down below I have created a list of books I plan on reading, and some I will be re-reading. The order of the list will not be the order I read the books, but we'll see how things go! After I read a book I plan on writing a review on it, and for series after I read the entire series I will write a review on the whole series. Thank you for reading, for any who did.


1. A Game of Thrones
2. A Clash of Kings
3. A Storm of Swords
4. A Feast for Crows
5. A Dance with Dragons
6. The Fellowship of The Ring
7. The Two Towers
8. The Return of the King
9. Fahrenheit 451
10. Catcher In the Rye
11. A Mad Desire to Dance
12. Looking For Alaska
13. The Faults In Our Stars
14. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
15. Norwegian Wood
16. After Dark
17. Les Miserables
18. The Shining
19. The Great Gatsby.
20. The Sound and The Fury
21. As I Lay Dying
22. Of Mice and Men
23. The Grapes of Wrath
24. A Tale of Two Cities
25. The Lightning Thief
26. The Sea of Monsters
27. The Titan's Curse
28. The Battle of the Labyrinth
29. The Last Olympian
30. Wuthering Heights
31. Through The Looking Glass
32. The Book Thief
33. The 100-Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared.
34. Paper Towns
35. Kafka On The Shore
36. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
37. Invisible Man
38. The Old Man and The Sea
39. The Trial
40. The Ice Queen
41. Moby Dick
42. Anna Karenina
43. The Blade Itself
44. Before They Are Hanged
45. Last Argument of Kings
46. The Name of The Wind
47. The Wise Man's Fear
48. John Dies At The End
49. House of Leaves
50. Winter Girls

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